Why the library?

11 thoughts on “Why the library?”

  1. You are so lucky to have a library so close to you. I guess they have always been there, we just have to be interested.
    It is so very exciting to be exploring topics we almost never look at! Waiting eagerly to know what else are you going to discover in the 52 new books you are going to read this year.


  2. Amen. I consider libraries (and the books in them) the front line in the battle against ignorance. When I was on the street as a reporter, reference librarians were the best friends I had. Congrats on a great idea. We should all go and do likewise. Have fun and let us know what you find.

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  3. What a great idea, you’re so lucky to have a good library near you! Here in the UK a lot of our libraries are being shut down or already have had their services greatly reduced. You’ve made me want to go out and find a good library nearby – though I might be tempted to keep the books, and run up some serious late fines!

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    1. Aw, it’s sad to hear that the libraries there are getting shut down. I do hope you can find one near you. Now that Ive fallen back in love with it- I’m terrified they might get shut down… Haha. But every time I visit it’s super crowded.

      I almost feel like paying late fees helps them stay funded. Bahaha.

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  4. My local village library is really small, and only open during times when I am not there, but luckily in the UK I can use my card to borrow and return books at any library in the county (think State if you’re in the US). The big library in the city where I work is open later, so I’ll be going there I think. You’ve quite inspired me. Thanks!

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  5. It is lovely that you found a library. I set up a library – just for kids – so they can start enjoying reading way early. And this is my dream job. Finding lovely books and seeing the kids devour them!

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